Wednesday, October 14, 2020

2020 October 15 Jason Lee Sample is 46

Wow! What a memorable day it is for me since my son Jason Lee Sample is officially closer to 50 than 40. He is 46 today and I have so many memories flooding my mind right now. I am so thankful that God gifted him to me to be his mother. 

He called me on his way home and we talked about how similar and different it is for him in his appearance, his life in general, and from whom he learned things that help him now.  He is an adult and has been for some time now but it is so nice and heartwarming to talk to him about so many things.  I thought about how my 9 lb.11oz, blonde haired, blue eyed baby now towers over me in height and now with beautiful green eyes that appear to look right into my heart with each glance.  He is no longer my baby Love Bug but he is certainly not afraid to hug his mom for which I am eternally grateful.

He may be quiet but he loves deeply even if he does not have a demonstrative personality along those lines. Love is love and I know that he loves me.  Thanks again to God for allowing me to have Jason so actively in my life as my son, a husband to Shaina, and father to his son Eric each of which brings me joy, great joy.

Happy birthday dear son and I will love you forever plus a day.   

Thursday, October 8, 2020

On Strike for Christmas by Sheila Roberts

This is the cutest book. I do tend to switch books in a given month depending on my mood. Special thanks to Mary Berwick for suggesting On Strike for Christmas by Sheila Roberts.

One could substitute any holiday or repeat get together to appreciate the effort it takes to cook, clean, shop, etc. to make the event perfect and consistent each year. This book created many laughs for me and reminded me of what is done each year to make things special.