Sunday, November 11, 2012


A surgeon and military officer serving for Canada was so moved and haunted by his experience that he handwrote this poem on a simple notepad during a period when he was expected “to rest”. He endured and his team accomplished more than thought humanly possible.  It was through his anguish of losing a friend who was also a former student and by needs presiding over the makeshift funeral/burial that these memorable words fell from his heart, through his fingers to a piece of paper that we have this poem that has been learned/memorized by students and citizens alike.  
To think that the view of poppies growing in ditches of Europe that had experienced so much bloodshed pricked his heart is such a way.
To think that he was so affected by 17 days of service that a poem was handwritten, disregarded and discarded, collected by someone equally touched as well as persistent enough to garner  an approval for publication even after being rejected by a newspaper before finally being presented to publishing media that “did have the intelligence” to recognize the significance of these written words.
How appropriate today that my special Canadian friend Dolores Morse posted this for all to enjoy which gives me the opportunity to share “the rest of the story” with each of you.  Here is that much loved poem.
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

November remembrances and sacrifices

As an American woman I value every freedom my citizenship affords me and maintain a respect for political leaders, however vehemently I may oppose the philosophy and ideas of many currently in office and most that were re-elected, much to my chagrin.  The fact that I can speak freely or put my thoughts to print is directly tied to the successes and sacrifices made by the several million who have served or are currently serving in our military.
In fact, my opinion is not so different from the women behind and in support of our founding fathers.  In the book Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts there were some memorable moments shared in the book .  In her “Toast to America and her Friends” written by Sarah Livingston Jay, wife of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States she lists 13 “toasts” and here are the ones that speak to me and their respective number from that list: “… (4) General Washington and the American Army, ... (7) The Memory of the Patriots who have fallen for their Country-May kindness be shown to their Widows and Children, …(9) Gratitude to our Friends and Moderation to our Enemies, ...(10) May all our Citizens be Soldiers, and all of our Soldiers Citizens, …(12) May our Country be always prepared for War, but disposed to Peace, and (13) Liberty and Happiness to all Mankind.”  This was written over 200-years ago but it still applies today.
Today is November 11th Veterans Day. Never fail to acknowledge the significance of the date which honors our military veterans in this United States of America. Especially important is the fact that it celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended WWI at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
Today in 1921 was the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. The bodies of three “unknown” American soldiers killed on foreign soil are buried here: one killed in France in WWI, one from WWII and one from Korea. The remains from one interred in 1984 from the Vietnam War was eventually identified and removed. With the advances in DNA, etc. it was decided by the Pentagon in 1999 there would be no new remains placed in the memorial. 
          Yes, this day calls for remembrances and of the sacrifices it took to get us here in our time and place in history.  My uncles faithfully served in WWII and Korea, my best friend was a Marine in Vietnam, many of my fellow high school classmates also served in Vietnam (one was a POW for many years), my wonderful brother Leon served 20 years in our US Army, my sister Rebecca’s husband served in our US Air Force, my sister Julia’s husband spent ten (10) years in our US Army, my ex-husband who is the father of my sons served in our US Navy and my cousin Earl served 20 years in the National Guard.  These branches of the military are proudly represented in my family. 
I am equally proud of the service by others in their commitment to our freedom and to the opportunity for the freedoms they fostered for the innocents in other countries as well. 

If you have thanked or revered a veteran today GOD BLESS YOU, more importantly GOD BLESS THE USA.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012 Election calls for special prayer for my beloved USA

Please pray that God will send someone to witness to Obama and soften his heart to seek God in making decisions for our country, for the sanctity of life and marriage as proclaimed by God and to support Israel.  Make no mistake; God is still in charge, regardless of and in spite of who is President.  
When one truly believes it must be professed, not just possessed as a secret, and ones actions are in line accordingly and not politically motivated.
I did not support Obama in 2008 and certainly not in 2012.  I cannot support someone so against my Christian values, does not offer support to Israel “publicly” and not just during a President debate when cornered into answering, someone who does not provide for a strong military and the respective military intelligence, and someone who may not stop increasing our debt thereby making us hostage to a foreign power, repeal the socialist medicine known as “Obamacare”, immigration reform (not amnesty), AND ON AND ON.
Hopefully, he will do as he said in the acceptance speech and reach out to Romney to see how they can work together on some issues and reach across party lines in a cooperative effort.  I do not see integrity is this guy.  He may be a good father and provider for his family but has been a lousy President of the United States of America IN MY HUMBLE, CHRISTIAN, and REPUBLICAN OPINION.

May God Bless our United States of America!