Saturday, July 6, 2024

Wild Prayer

Until recently I had never heard the term "wild prayer". According to the devotional by the same title here's the definition and a few comments from the writer Reenukumar which now makes perfect sense.:

"What are wild prayers? Prayers that give earthly license for heavenly interference to accomplish the unimaginable and the unprecedented. Many times, we are tempted to only take prayer requests that have a precedent in history of being answered. We ask God for the same miracle that has happened in the life of another person. But God waits to propel our situations into ground-breaking, history-making miracles if we have the faith to ask for that which is infinitely above and beyond human reach."

These words went straight to my heart. Why do so many model their prayers from what is seen or experienced by others when our needs and desires of our heart are our own? Just as no two people are the same, the same holds true for our prayer life whether it is one of need or from our own wishing list. We certainly are bold in other areas without little regard to how it hits so why are we shy when it comes to prayer?

Be outrageous! That meaning that only God can answer those things or affect change in people, situations, or circumstances that are beyond our physical reach. One cannot force change, real change, lasting change, but our God can and does regularly. He is still and always will be in the miracle making business. The only difference is you and also me.

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