Saturday, April 9, 2016

2016 April 9 National Cherish an Antique Day

The first thing that comes to mind is my vintage fountain pen collection that dates back to 1874.  While I do love my many, many fountain pens which directly relates to the name of my blog, I have other thoughts to share on this matter.

Okay, so here are my personal feelings about these pens that I absolutely cherish. 
·         How many lives were saved or put together by the written words from each pen? 
·         What sentiments were shared or secrets? 
·         How many greetings and what types of greetings?
·         What secrets were hidden in a diary or even now a journal?
·         How the answers on a written test or research paper grew to support a career choice or change the course of a career?
·         The information and signatures on a marriage license or a birth certificate?
·         Our wonderful historical documents, particularly The Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
·         Handwriting analysis?
·         Beautiful cursive that might change with each emotion from happiness to sadness?

All of these things are changed with technology.  Yes one can easily change the font but to me it lacks the fluidity from the pen, up through the fingers, the hand and to the heart.

Yes, I wrote most of this out in pen before posting it here.  I think better with a fountain pen.  This is a true statement, happily acknowledged and written in Serenity Blue Waterman ink dispensed through a much favored Waterman fountain pen with a fine point nib. It is a younger model of about 20 years old.  Your inquiring mind just might want to know.    

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