Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello. Is anyone there?

That is what it feels like lately.  My primary responsibilities are great and technology can be your friend except when it isn't.  C taught me to blog and it really is a good tool to vent without the threat of becoming a target, at least not right away.  You cannot speak your mind at work because there is so much to learn that I am beginning to have flashbacks to kindergarten.  Except now it is not learning to read (my favorite pastime), writing and  how to communicate in an acceptable/reasonable way to make your point or be understood.   Now you better feel lucky to have a 1-800 #, an option for an option # and a wait time less than 30 minutes on a perfect day and/or the ability to understand the person that eventually answers the phone if you don't get hung up on first. The classic prerecorded computer generated catch praise: "We are experiencing a heavy volume of calls and your call will be answered in the order it was received." Jack Benny comes to mind: "Well!" I want to pull my hair out by the dark blonde and grey roots. 
Technology has come a long way but it is really money that determines the level of technology that will be made available to anyone or any company.  It creates efficiency at the office/customer level that I truly appreciated but now is another story.  At the office now I feel like there is an elephant in the room but the indigestion, stomach pains, etc. are now the new norm as we make it disappear one bite/byte at a time. 
I heard one manager say that we were spoiled when it came to technology but I say that the company recognized early on/budgeted for and spent the money to provide the service customers come to expect especially in the 21st century. We resolved issues quickly, efficiently, and within seconds of the request made by customers as well as those by staff who were handling internal customers/other staff.
In the name of progress we have regressed. Changes/improvements/upgrades will come in time but until then I need to keep in close contact the four or is it five pages of codes and the operating instructions for the systems that do not communcate with each other.
Yes, you really can teach an old dog new tricks.  I am doing it every day.  RUFF RUFF

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