Friday, July 15, 2011

Drafting Grandchildren

 Sounds odd for a title but there is a really, really good reason behind the title.  I have no grandchildren (that I know of anyway) and enjoy outtings like the circus, Disney, ice capades ('60s term), etc.  Just because you may not be blessed with them does not mean that you cannot "grandmother" one of your choosing.     
My eldest son is newly engaged.  Good for him!  She is precious and would have made my youngest son so proud to have her in the family. She makes him happy and they already married in their hearts. I borrowed this phrase from one of my customers and it speaks well to my son's relationship.  Their plans are to start a family as soon as they are married.  YEAH!!!  However if God does not bless them with children, I can deal with that.  In the meantime, I have a backup plan, hence drafting one or two on an as needs basis. 
With that in mind, I am going to the circus tomorrow.  A  friend from work had never been to a circus and she has three precious children - one son, and two daughters.  I am so excited that sleeping tonight may become a challenge.  I received a discount pricing offer at work and thought of her immediately. Before hitting the "buy" button I walked (borderline skipped) to the opposite end of the office to see if she and her children would like to go.  She is married and so naturally had to ask her husband if they had plans and that it was okay to go.  He agreed and now does not know what he is going to do tomorrow while we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the "Greatest Show on Earth:.  BUT he is a big boy and can figure that our for himself. 
Bottom line is that we all have opportunities to have some fun regardless of our age.  I am 61 and have no intention of allowing my calendar years to dictate my choices. Find children to share your life.  The conversations are never boring and their honesty is refreshing.  While they try to learn from adults, we can learn so much from them.  Try it, you will like it. 

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