Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well I am off to a running start, sort of.  I moved onward to open a Twitter account to attach to my account.  I officially have an account but now must contact C again. She is the wonderful and most gracious trainer to which I referred yesterday who from now on I will affectionately refer to as C in my blog.  C says that a blog is a web log which really makes sense as do most things after the fact.  I figured out the log part but the "b" was bologna until yesterday.
On the way to work this morning, I saw a most beautiful sight worthy to include on a site design or atleast on a calendar somewhere.  I saw two full grown deer standing beneath a small tree and near an even smaller bush.  You might know that traffic was flowing nicely for a change and I could not take a picture with my camera. You may say how does this relate to blogging or twitter.  Well, this sight was in the middle of a large gravel parking area with piles of gravel and stone along the parameters.  I was immediately reminded of all things natural vs technology and the manufacturing facility a few yards from these beautiful creatures.
Technology and I have become friends over the years but this picture seemed almost of contradiction of terms for my eyes.  Here it is eleven hours later and still lingers.
Maybe I should bank the manufacturing facilty and feed the deer. I know what they eat because they used my newly landscaped yard as a buffet a few years ago.  :))

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