Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Blogging is a new venture for me but once started will require commitment and considerable discipline. This is actually my first one and wouldn't you know, I could not figure out how to edit the one started at work so it is now deleted and started here again.  My instructor from the office who volunteered to help could not have been more kind or patient with me.  I now freely admit to being "old school" when it comes to technology.  However, since I am on this side of dirt as Roger Bennett so wonderfully sang with the Legacy 5, I have decided to tag along.
I was so excited and anxious when she volunteered to help me last week when we were at the Junior League attending the quarterly Sterling Bank WBI luncheon (more about this in a future blog). We had a speaker last year with the topic being social media and I could feel myself being reeled into to the 21st century.  Having been a teenager in the '60s my first thought when hearing the term "social media" was date night and telephone calls(probably won't see anything about this in a future blog :)).  Anyway back to business, the speaker was engaging to say the least and since being a typical banker to boot, this required me to think it to death before reaching the point that it became a 2011 New Years resolution. Please note that this is the only resolution that I made personally or professionally.
With regards to the blogging, my mind had created this concept of a remake of War and Peace for banking or slings and arrows in my direction because I am still a banker or some weirdo personal question from computer la-la land.  However, my friend told me that it is really just a conversation.  Imagine that....so stay tuned for whatever might chase itself between my two ears to the point that it must find it's way to print HERE.


  1. Linda - You did it! You have fulfilled your New Year's resolution with the publication of your first blog. I love, love, love it! Your teacher sounds wise. You should listen to her
    :-)). Congratulations!!!


    Ps. I had been refreshing my screen all night to be the first commenter.

  2. Yeah, Linda! You are now officially a blogger. Can't wait to learn from your future postings.
