Thursday, October 18, 2018

Best laid plans … sort of

The term “all dressed up and no place to go” took on real meaning for me tonight. My friend Debi Ronca is scheduled for a book signing at Champions Golf Club near where I worked before retirement.  Champions is a wonderful place and I have not been to similar functions since retiring.  I dressed in some of my favorite professional black pieces complete with pearls.  It was even a good hair day. I had on my favorite lipstick and Chanel No. 5.  I was all in.

I got to thinking about my friends that I would meet that I do not see often enough and was wondering which room would be used at the club.  I decided to check the “save the date” notice to see if I had just overlooked that information.  Put on the brakes sister!  The date is actually next month and I was so disappointed and immediately embarrassed.  I am known to have a better than average memory and in my excitement for the event I had moved it up … way up on my calendar.

Oh well.  I will at least get to watch “Father Brown” on PBS.  Hold the door! It is not on tonight.  Okay, all is well since Mountain Men is on back-to-back for two hours.  My evening is saved. Such is retirement. 

Now I am comfy cozy in my favorite fall robe, Betty Boop socks, full makeup and hair to boot, and enjoying the gentle fragrance of Chanel No. 5 as I recline. 

I choose to find positives in all situations. 

  • I dropped off my package to the local UPS office so that can be marked off my to-do list. 
  •  I do not need to think about what to wear on November 15th since my outfit, jewelry, and shoes are hanging together, patiently waiting. LipSense and ShadowSense choices might change but no worries.
  • I refuse to blame my faulty memory on retirement but will choose not to berate myself. After all I received a really nice compliment and an extra kiss from the hubby.  

Life is good. 

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