Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Poem is a Choice

What a treat for me yesterday to watch three episodes in a row of Hallmark’s “Signed, Sealed and Delivered”.  With a hubby this is not the norm but there was no football and he gladly said “Watch what you want. It’s fine with me.”  Unless it is the news or football he rarely has an opinion and I generally prefer reading to most TV options.  Oh dear, I am digressing from the topic. 

The programming referenced had so many great lines that I could not do them justice on this blog.  That being said a casual remark in the show caught me quite at odds in my thoughts.  It was spoken in a cavalier way about the possible ending of her marriage. She asked her husband what he wanted and he said “Peace.... Ending a marriage shouldn’t be an easy thing to do.”  With a few additional words between them she responded “I think that I'll write a poem about this.”, or something similar.  

How does writing a poem solve or clarify anything?  At first my thought was how silly was that remark. Thankfully I had a second thought.  How is a poem different from my writing letters to myself, journaling or blogging? The answer is that there is no difference at all.  It is just another choice among many of expressing one’s self. 

For me my writing efforts are a form of expression, being direct and straight with myself. It allows me to process unclear thoughts, situations, make acknowledgements, voice an opinion, and make book reviews without interruption. My way works for me and many times includes prayer, sometimes lots of it. 

Write yourself a poem whether it rhymes or not, whatever the mood and whether you feel you have a reason or not.  It is your poem anyway and your choice of expression. It is not silly at all.  It is only silly to avoid your way of written expression. A word of advice: Be kind. 

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