Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Hours by Michael Cunningham

Prologue was of a death as was the ending of the book with several neurotics thrown into the middle. The characters existed in their life differently but really lived it similarly and gave it the same value. They did not really value life enough to make decisions to protect the quality of life they could possibly have had. Lots of mental weakness exists and I honestly could not find a character to like.

They are loved temporarily and they love in a temporary way as well. The word “temporary” best describes the book and thankfully the time needed to read it was just a temporary moment of my overall reading time. I can't even recall the characters. They truly are forgettable and yet I kept picking up the book to read. A great line in the book defines the characters as well as what the overall theme might be: “Better, really, to face the fin in the water than to live in hiding...”

The last two pages are the best part of the book, not because they were the last, but because what was written had the greater meaning and understanding than the entire book. 

Three of our BPW readers rated it an eight on a scale of one to ten with the ten being the highest praise.  For me that is a little high.  However, I liked the author’s writing style and it held my interest but I still cannot figure out why.   Good…no. Bad…not totally. Will I recommend it? Probably not.

Oh well, onto other reading options.  

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