We were fortunate and blessed to have the Mother that God
selected for us. I know that I will see her later and please allow me to share
my thoughts. First and foremost, the
things shared below were applied to both my personal and professional
life. Any and all success I achieved was
and is directly related to what I learned from my much beloved mother. In fact a much appreciated award received so
many years ago, I gave to her and it stands in a case in her home now.
We were travel companions for about 30 years, as a single
parent and then as married couples. She was my mentor, confidant, taught by
example and not by words alone, the subject of some of my best memories with my
sons, guided me and encouraged me to love again which is how I built up the
courage to agree to date a wonderful man who is now my husband Weldon McAdams, she taught
me how to forgive whatever the wrong, she taught me independence, how to
stretch a dollar but most of all she taught me to love others and find answers
to any question in God's ultimate book of instructions and most holy word, The
While my mother was my best friend, her role as my mother
was always the priority one chosen when a line might appeared blurred. There is absolutely no subject that I didn’t
feel could be had with her. When something came up that needed to be
discussed, I can assure you that it was my mother’s words that flowed from her
lips: direct, clear and always with my best interest at heart. Similar to what a friend would do but it
really was quite different. If you had
or have such a mom you clearly understand what I am saying.
My mother’s life and laughter were a gift that she shared
with everyone and often. She told me that there is a time for talking and also
a time for listening. She said that while one is talking they miss what is
being said or shared by someone else who may really that particular time with
you. Mom said to be available to help when needed, don’t wait to be asked but
to volunteer and then do it, but be careful that you don’t become their crutch.
My mother also said that some don't know when it's time to just shut up. Hence
I have shared my heart for now in words and will be quiet with my cherished
memories that will keep me warm for my lifetime.
Make each moment
count and don’t waste time. Make memories since at some point that may be all
you have left. Make a difference in the life of others. Live your life and don’t
just exist.
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