Monday, April 28, 2014

Caring Continues With the Benefit of Memories

Oh my goodness, yet another four days shared with Mom and William. Each time I get to help creates more memories together for the three of us. At times I even get to be a telephone operator during my stay which affords talks with beloved uncles, cousins and the best of our friends.

 Meal times also create memories since much of my cooking plus recipes were learned from mom, her sister (Aunt Dude) and her mother (Grandma Buck). Even cleaning up the kitchen is tied to my mother.  She said that you cannot be considered a good cook unless you clean up the kitchen after each meal.  Thankfully we have dishwashers to shorten that task.  OF NOTE: When we were younger and someone asked mom if she had a dishwasher she said “Yes, I have three and there are portable (with a slight pause here). Their names are Linda, Rebecca and Julia.”  We talked about that too and we had a good laugh (one of many this weekend).

I really love being able to share these moments publicly. It serves as a reminder of the good times that are still possible to share with my mother until the dementia steals more and more of her away from me.  

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