I retired from a bank, not from life and still enjoy sharing information as it relates to business and/or professional women.
In that connection, I discovered some remarkable facts of particular interest and this is by no means a complete view of information garnered, just some highlights of my own personal interest.
· Center for Women’s Business Research. Statistics for Houston in 2004 confirmed that “nearly half of all private held firms represent 50% or more women-owned. These 158,239 firms generate $50.2 billion in sales and employed 324,876 people.”
· Compare that to current data found on www.businesswire.com : “Between 1997 and 2012, when the number of businesses in the United States increased by 37%, the number of women-owned firms increased by 54%, a rate 1.5 times the national average.” With regards to geographic trends, one of the states with the fastest growth in the number of women-owned firms during the past 15 years includes Texas at 75% growth.
· Finally I found some interesting facts from The State of Women-Owned Business Report commissioned by American Express OPEN: “Averaging together the ten-year growth rankings in the number, revenue and employment of women-owned firms in the 25 largest metropolitan areas in the country-to look at combined economic clout –reveals …SanAntonio and Houston, TX at # 2 and #3.” The industry trend section reports that “Women-owned firms continue to diversify into all industries.”
This is both amazing and encouraging at the same time. Consider how any professional membership fits into these numbers and also how each of us serves or is being served by these companies or contacts. This confirms to me that there is more than enough business to go around for every one regardless of any self-defined niche.
There are countless articles about how women are more inclined to do business with other women. Additionally, women emphasize relationship building as well as gathering facts and may take more time to make decisions in her business. The quality of a membership, mentoring group, and special interest group lends to that process from giving to receiving referrals and establishing relationships.
Many have heard me say that sometimes it is not who you know but who knows you, and the best way to be known is to get involved. What are you doing to make a difference and make your communications work for you?
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