Saturday, December 1, 2012

My personal take on “It’s a Wonderful Life”

Tonight I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" which is a wonderful reminder of the people in our lives that make our life worth living.   The movie causes much reflection plus George Bailey is a banker as was I for so many, many years.
Life is not about what you do not have or can no longer do but about what you do with God's gifts which come in many forms, many of which you may not realize as gifts.
As I said, in the movie George Bailey is a banker which is a reminder of my banking career.  It afforded me the opportunity to work “with” people in an industry that for many years was held in high regard. These people were customers, non-customers and co-workers.  The industry may have changed over the course of my 34 years in banking but my appreciation for “people” in various stages of one’s personal or professional career has not wavered.  The gifts for me during my 34 years in banking were the people and related conversations which must number in the 1000s.
Yes, I look at my career in banking as a gift but perhaps not in the way that comes to mind. The income that grew over time afforded wonderful vacations, a great wardrobe which includes 100+ pairs of shoes (most of which I am selling or donating to the non-profit Dress For Success) and a nice home.  Yes these are secular but don’t give up on me yet.  The gift part here is that my husband and I have no debt, in part because of my day job as a banker. 
God granted me the knowledge and wherewithal to become a banker, the tenacity to stay in an industry that survived the 1980s and to reach a point that leaving the industry was the best decision for me and opened an opportunity for someone with the goals and energy of my younger self. 
My family is also a gift, some through the nature of my birth and some through choice such as my husband which resulted in my being included in his huge clan, not a loser in the bunch. 
My freedom here in the USA which includes freedom of religion is a given.  Both have received time in previous blogs AND it still holds true, hence the mention.
Getting back to the movie calls to mind the inscription made by Clarence, the lovable, capable angel in the story in the book that he had, “Tom Sawyer”, which  reads “No man is a failure if he has friends.”  I must agree and must add family to the mix. It was after all the loving wife Mary who contacted the friends that come to the “financial” rescue of her husband, George the banker.
By the way, there are a lot of bad bankers like Old Man Potter in the story which is an understatement.  Just watch the news. However, there are still come good bankers around and I will gladly make that referral.  I also gladly share what I have learned over my working career as a Business Banker.  Just give me a call, send me an email, or post your question to my Facebook page.
I will stay tuned for you…………

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