Saturday, August 11, 2012

August is More than Heat

The first thing that comes to the mind of most Houstonians in August is the HOT, HOTTER AND HOTTEST month of the year.  I cannot really disagree. However, what comes to my mind first is back to school.  I loved being a student and loved school even more as a parent when my boys would come home sharing their “stories” of the day followed by helping them with schoolwork.   I looked forward to every second of their younger years and teenage years when I was allowed to so easily share part of their day as we talked through the homework sessions which “always” led to other discussions. 

The majority of my friends have grown children and as a result do not have the usual Back to School supplies list to fill.  Be sensitive to the needs of the many 100’s of families who could use your assistance in providing these supplies.  Please exercise your opportunity to fund some of the basic school supply needs as made available through various local charities or in your school district. 

Before my July 2012 retirement, I had completed 11 years as a volunteer Junior Achievement and every year had its rewards.  You can only imagine some of the questions asked of me by these students during these short, one hour a week, six weeks program in the elementary grades. 

Be a mentor or be a volunteer, it will add the best looking hat not only to your resume’ wardrobe, but to your life. 

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