I choose peace. Discontent and anger steal ones joy. It is also a choice not to hate and is part of our sinful nature. God gives us a new nature if one chooses to have it.
I am thanking God today, as always and in all ways.
I choose peace. Discontent and anger steal ones joy. It is also a choice not to hate and is part of our sinful nature. God gives us a new nature if one chooses to have it.
Two different stories and several lives tied to a scarf might sound odd but it fits. Each story resonated with me and the characters could indeed be real in the telling.
It's hard to express how attached I now feel to this book so just let me share some lines that spoke to me.:
"... the freedom to love or be loved, though it shook you to your core, made life exquisite."
"Everything beautiful has a story it wants to tell."