Thursday, March 11, 2021

2021 March 9 National Get Over It Day

Yesterday was National Get Over It Day.

There are those who belabor everything and would beat a dead horse. The verbal hysterics and tirades have gotten old. Some continue in their attacks then say I love you to their respective audience. Talk is cheap.
Differences and differences in opinion are just that ... Differences. Stop being a two legged volcano. Then again there are those in attack mode that actually think that belittling others or playing the victim will change the mind of another. Fact check, it doesn't.
Here are some real truths that I have copied and pasted from the National Day Calendar website. :
"It” may be a variety of things. .... Even news such as being passed over for a promotion, poor grades, or an argument with a family member shouldn’t cause us to live our lives in a state of misery forever.
Say goodbye to the worry of the “if onlys” and “what ifs” and look forward to days with a more positive attitude.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Falling into dirt

My maternal grandmother always told me that you couldn't be around dirt without getting some on you. Today's media, political pundits, opinionated messages seen on Facebook, etc. reminds me of what compromises can do to us and the confusion that comes with it. The term "convenience thinking" comes to mind.

Sexual abuse, violence, and even ones sexuality have escalated over the years and the messages serve as a painful reminder of what is becoming of our society in this country, what it condones in the name of freedom. It's freedom run amuck.

"Freedoms" are exploited rather than seeking atonement for sin clearly defined in the word of God. In the name of progress we have regressed to lower our moral standards and make excuses to justify ones behavior. Yes, what I am seeing and reading has struck a chord, a painful one.

Monday, March 8, 2021

The real story behind the book The Shack by William Paul Young

After watching the TV documentary I now realize that there was and actually is a real story behind the book and movie, The Shack by William Paul Young. 

How it came to exist pulled at my heart in several ways. There is a powerful message about hiding and carrying with you your  own "shack" built by your experiences and relationships, forgiveness, OUR sins against those that we love, the facades that we build and hide behind, who we really are, expectations and lies that we hide behind, secrets and how they destroy us and interfere with God's plan for our life, and how we might lose everything by the world's standard to "reach" the bottom and that God carries, walks and leads us if and when allowed. 

Life is a journey and God's invitation is ever present. It was two hours well spent and thankfully with supportive Scripture. I included prayer before and then again after watching this exceptional documentary.  Bottom line is that God can use any one person and in or from any situation(s).

Be Thankful

BE THANKFUL that you don't already have everything you desire.....if you did, what would there be to look forward to?

BE THANKFUL when you don't know something....for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

BE THANKFUL for the difficult times....during those times you grow.

BE THANKFUL for your limitations...they give you opportunities for improvement.

BE THANKFUL for each new challenge...which will build your strength and character.

BE THANKFUL for your mistakes...they will teach you valuable lessons.

BE THANKFUL when you're tired and weary...because it means you've given your all

BE THANKFUL!!!!!! AUTHOR- unknown

2021 March 8th International Women's Day

March 8th is International Women's Day. God made us unique in every way but Gods plan is one of unity not divisiveness, love and not hate, inclusion and not verbal castration of either gender.

Celebrate who you are and accept that we are a result of our experiences but not defined or held hostage by them. You are you!

I am thankful, so thankful, for the privileges afforded me and the freedoms as a woman tied to the women in history who took a stand at their own peril for our united freedoms as women.

I am a woman but do not want to forget or neglect the importance and value of being a lady as well. Special thanks to the many women who helped me and inspired me throughout my life who are indeed too many to list here.