During my devotional last night came the words “apologetics
and apologist”. These words have been
bantered about for the last several years and in good measure. However this time the name Henry Elwin Buck,
Sr. came immediately to my mind. I immediately looked up the definition of each
word per Wikipedia and then synonyms. Sure enough and clear as day I understand
why my Uncle Elwin’s name flashed into my mind. (Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in
defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. Apologist synonyms are defender, supporter, advocate, apostle,
champion, promoter, spokesman, and this is just to name a few.)
For my entire life he has been my mentor, confidant,
second father figure, and “the man” for any theological discussions as well as
my discussion buddy for whatever confusion or hurt was being experienced at any
given time. His deep, calm voice was
soothing in itself and whatever was going on with me he would talk me through
it and included scripture verses for me to use in greater detail after our
call. He never passed judgment or told
me what to do but we explored options and potential consequences with the
ultimate decision being mine. It is through him that I learned and came to
understand the power of prayer and to do it regularly, not just when I needed
Gods’ help but to also thank God regularly as well. His wisdom was shared when sought but never
pushed onto anyone.
His devotion to his wife, children, and grandchildren
were always Christ centered. That love was shared with his nieces, nephews,
siblings, parents, and to whomever was fortunate to come into his
presence. What a gift he was to 100s and
He performed my marriage to my husband and others in my
family. He and his brothers made sure
that there was food on the table and the mortgage was paid when my dad left for
another woman. He provided wise counsel when I found myself divorced with two
young sons. He was a barber for many
years and was known as Buck, partner of “Buck and Carol Barber Shop”. He was a
deacon in his home church, Sunday School teacher, and choir member.
Years ago he wanted to become a full time preacher. He may not have had a full time pulpit but he
certainly pastored his large extended family, church members, and friends. What a blessing!